Healing Communities is a framework for a distinct form of ministry for men, women, and youth returning from or at risk of incarceration, domestic violence, addiction recovery, sexual exploitation, their families, and the larger community. Healing Communities challenges congregations to become Stations of Hope to help those who have been marginalized and stigmatized to become healthy members of society.
We train communities of faith to:
walk with victims and perpetrators (connect them to resources that will help set attainable goals)
help them connect with their faith (provide spiritual support)
open their hearts to them (foster positive relationships)
embrace them (extend open and affirming fellowship)
provide understanding (collaboration with family and friends to rebuild relationships)
advocate for political change on a local, state, and federal level
We provide support and technical assistance to faith communities by:
offering seminars in restorative justice, family reintegration, and family support
identifying resources and building networks for capacity building, service delivery, and advocacy
offering opportunities for peer learning from other congregations and expert learning at local, regional, and national conferences
customized programming for local congregations