7 Steps to Becoming
A Station of Hope
Faith leaders commit to creating a Healing Community.
Faith leaders reach out to other faith leaders and join with them to study the guide.
Often these joint efforts are called “prayer circles". Within them, the leaders study and reflect on what it means and is required to create a Healing Community. Study is usually 6 – 14 weeks.
The study group educates itself on the impact of crime, incarceration and reentry on their community and brings in experts to inform their reflections. Chapter Two of the guide is a starting point; finding out about the criminal justice system in your state and community is the next step.
Faith leaders introduce the Healing Communities concept to the congregation.
The stories told in the guide (Chapter One and Appendix A) are a rich source of inspiration for sermons, study and discussion groups. Model sermons have been developed, too.
Outreach and welcome.
The faith leader preaches, teaches and reaches out to members of the congregation to create a culture of healing and restoration for people affected by crime and incarceration. Volunteers from within the congregation are tapped to lead the effort.
Congregational education.
The congregation learns how crime, incarceration and reentry affect their own members and what they can do to minister to them. They reach out to and partner with others in the community to identify resources and policy issues needing to be addressed.
Volunteer engagement.
Members of the congregation volunteer to spread the Healing Communities message and foster shared responsibility for supporting individuals and families affected by crime, incarceration and reentry and the transformation of their house of worship.