Video Presenters
Comeback, Overcoming, Victory-filled Stories/Testimonies/Preachings by Great Ordinary People
Videos are available from Friday, 10/29 @ 8:00 a.m. - Sunday, 10/31 @ 11:59 p.m.

Kevin & Judy Murray
Thriving Blended Families

Rev. Dr. Alfreida Capers
Conception: Life After Betrayal and Incarceration

Rev. George Chochos
The Church and the Academy Through the Prison: Finding God's Purpose in a Pandemic
Tinita Joyner
Family Restoration: Repairing the Breach After Incarceration

Minister Dwight Martin
Surviving Hurricane Dorian

Purvette Bryant
Walking in Faith and Victory

Dr. Pamela Keye
Admit the Wrong So You Can Heal

Dr. George Duncan
Here Comes Cray-Cray! Take it To Prayer!

Pastor Aaron Best
Give Me! I Got it!

Rev. Monika Jackson
The Power In The Plug

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph & Grace Nickens
A Thriving in Chaos Marriage
Bishop Chris Kimmenez
Grace to Forgive Your Past

Elder Ronald Timpson
A Thriving Prison Ministry

Rev. Dr. Zipporah McCoy
Manifesting the Love of God

Rev. Dr. Gwen Andrews
How to Have A New Life

Minister Eugene Schneeberg
Supporting Fathers & Families Impacted by Incarceration

Miss Kimberly Crawford
Human Trafficking Awareness & Prevention
Minister Ned White
Barbershop Talk - Why Men Stay in the Dark

Monika Jackson, Ned White,
Denise Strothers, Char Phelps
Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Impact on Mental Health
Rev. Dr. Viola Bradford
An Interview With A Thriving Returning Citizen

Minister Katrina Wilson
An Interview with Brenda Lee: My Sister's Story of Addiction, Incarceration & Recovery

Elder Sharon Zimmerman
The Power of Prayer to Maintain Godly Character in Chaos

Yvette M. Clausen
A Thriving Returning Citizen