Rev. Dr. Denise Strothers
Healing Communities National Director of Training
Dr. Denise Strothers, along with her husband, serves on the pastoral team at Impact DMV church. Dr. Denise received her Bachelor of Science degree from Lancaster Bible College, Master of Divinity from Regent University, and her Doctor of Ministry from Howard University School of Divinity with a concentration in Church and Community.
Dr. Denise has focused her research on Sex Trafficking, where she believes the church, specifically Christian men, should take a front-and-center role in helping to reach those who drive the demand to exploit women and children. Dr. Denise has released her new book based on her doctoral research and eight years of study, Christian Men Speak Up For Sexually Exploited Women and Children, which informs the church on how to get involved in providing ministry to victims and perpetrators.
As Director of Training with Healing Communities, Denise spearheads the annual conference and the weekly live prayer call. She has provided educational training to faith-based organizations and churches on how to connect returning citizens, exploited women, children, and victims of crime to resources that will help set attainable goals for their future; provide spiritual support; foster a positive relationship with them, and their families; remove the stigma and extend affirming fellowship; collaborate with family and friends to rebuild relationships; and advocate for political change on a local, state, and federal level. Dr. Denise has also engaged with social workers, child welfare agencies, law enforcement, and fostered collaboration among diverse groups. Dr. Denise moderates monthly virtual presentations with US Attorney's Office-DC, DC Drug Prevention Office, CSOSA, and more to bring awareness to Addiction Recovery, Sex Trafficking, Domestic Violence, etc.
Dr. Denise is a fellow and Board Member with the Center for Public Justice, Washington DC, and serves as the DC Coordinator for Stations of Hope in the DMV area. Dr. Denise is a member of the Golden Key International Honor Society, Who’s Who in 2020, and the DC Clergy Ambassador Program under the US Attorney’s Office’s direction. Members work to bridge the gap between law enforcement and the community.
Denise is a recording artist, host of her own Youtube channel, worship leader, prayer ministry leader, preacher, and teacher. She’s a wife, a mother, a sister, the daughter of a Pastor, and a friend. Dr. Denise is many things, but she is at the very core of her soul: “I am a worshiper,” she says.
Website: www.denisestrothers.com
Facebook: @ddstrothers
Instagram: @ddstrothers
Twitter: @ddstrothers
